The sharing of heating and hot water costs in buildings where central system is used is made according to the provisions of the regulation published in the Official Gazette numbered 26847 and dated 14 April 2008. Please click here to reach the regulation. (Lang:TR)
Our company serves you with the "Authorized Measurement Company" authorization certificate from the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation. We provide cost sharing services to 45,000+ independent departments with the authorization certificate we have in Istanbul and Kocaeli provinces.
Meter reading and cost sharing services are provided by our company on your site or apartment. Cost sharing is made according to the principles and formulas of the regulation published in the Official Gazette numbered 26847.
According to the regulation, 30% of the gas bills received for the buildings are shared according to the areas of all independent sections. The remaining 70% is shared according to the consumption obtained from the heat meters of the independent sections. The result obtained with these two calculations determines the total heating cost of the flat.
In the example above, the heating cost calculated for the building is 3,928.97₺. 30% of this amount (1.178,69₺) is divided by the total area of the building(1.040m2) to find the Common Unit Price(1,1334₺). The unit price found is multiplied by the square meter of the flat, and the Common Heating Cost Share is reflected on the flat. 1,1334₺ x 110m2(flat area) = 124,67₺ Common Heating Cost
Heating Cost Unit Price is calculated by dividing 70% of the total heating cost(2.750,28₺) by the consumption passing through the heat meters of the apartments (15.406,00 kWh). The unit price found (0,1785₺) is multiplied by the consumption passing through the heat meter of the flat(797,00 kWh) and reflected to the flat as Heating Cost. 0,1785₺ x 797 kwh (flat consumption) = 142,28₺ Heating Cost
According to the results of the above two transactions, the total heating cost is 266,95₺.
* 30% common heating cost is distributed regardless of whether individual sections are empty / full. The independent section owner has to participate in this cost. The fact that the independent section is empty or not used does not eliminate the obligation to participate in this cost.
* Heating Cost Unit Price and Common Cost Unit Price are not determined by our company. As can be seen in the example, each period varies according to the consumption of the independent sections and the total amount of heating. A fixed unit price is not applied.
* Independent sections must have a minimum temperature of 15 °. According to the regulation, the room temperature of the independent sections should not fall below 15 ° and a thermostatic valve in accordance with TS EN 215 standard should be used.
* Equivalent value is applied in accordance with the regulation article for the independent sections with defective heat meters. The list of independent sections with equivalent value is regularly communicated to your site / apartment management during each sharing period. For a fair share, it is important to replace defective heat meters urgently.
In the sharing of hot water costs, 2 different calculations are made as the cost of heating the water and the cost of water usage, and the total hot water cost is found.
What is the Water Heating Cost? Cold water sent by the water supplier companies is heated in the boiler and distributed as hot water to the flats. First of all, the amount of energy spent for heating 1 m3 of water is found. Then, it is multiplied by the consumption passing through the hot water meter of the flat and reflected as the Water Heating Cost to the flat.
How to calculate the Water Heating Unit Price? The unit price of water heating is calculated according to the formula in the regulation.
Heating 1 m3 of water = 1,20 x 1000lt x (Boiler water temperature-10) x Fuel unit price / Natural gas lower calorific value
In the example above, it is seen that the unit price for water heating is 13,5704 TL. Since 3.60 m3 consumption passes from the heat meter of the flat, 13,5704 TL x 3,60 m3 = 48,85 TL of water heating cost is calculated for the flat. In addition to this cost, there is also a water usage fee. This cost is calculated with the flat consumption x water unit price and reflected on the flat. (6,8585 TL x 3,60 m3 = 24,69 TL)
As a result of the above transactions, the total hot water cost of the flat will be 73,54 TL. (Water heating 48,85 TL + Water usage 24,69 TL)
*Water heating unit price and water usage unit price are not given by our company. The unit price of water heating is obtained from the data obtained from the natural gas bill, and the water usage unit price is obtained by dividing the water bill received for the building by the total flat consumption.
*Hot water common cost occurs only in summer months. Since 30% common heating cost is shared for heating in winter months, there is no Common Hot Water Cost. In the summer months, the boilers consume energy as they operate continuously only for hot water supply. From the gas bill, the remaining amount after the hot water heating costs of the independent sections are low, is calculated as the hot water common cost and divided in the ratio of m² of the independent sections. The fact that the independent sections are empty or not consuming does not prevent them from participating in this cost. This cost is spent for the continuous use of the system and all apartments must participate.
*The amounts calculated for HEATING and HOT WATER costs are equal to the sum of the natural gas and water bills received to your building. Our company automatically performs all calculations with its special software and transmits the amounts falling to individual sections to the site / apartment management. Gas / water bills of your building are paid as a result of collections made from independent departments.
The sharing of cold water cost is done with conventional methods. The water bill coming to the building is divided by the total consumption passing through the cold water meters of the flats and the Water Unit Price is found.
The cold water cost is reflected on the flat by multiplying the found unit price and flat consumption. In the example above, the flat consumption is 6.41 m3, the unit price of water is 6.8585 TL, and the cold water cost of the flat is 6.8585 TL x 6.41 m3 = 43.96 TL.
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What is a thermostatic valve, how does it work, how should it be used? The thermostatic valve is a heat control element that reacts according to the ambient temperature and controls the hot water coming to the radiator according to the ambient temperature and the set value. There is a 4-stage adjustment scale on the thermostatic valve. It indicates the temperature value of each stage as 2,3,4,5 respectively.
The temperature values of the thermostatic valve are approximately as follows.
2- 15 ° - 18 °
3- 20 ° - 22 °
4- 24 ° - 26 °
5- 28 ° - 30 °
In order to adjust the temperature of the environment, thermostatic valve is brought to the relevant level. For savings, the thermostatic valve is between 2-3 in areas that are not frequently used provides significant savings. Thermostatic valves measure the ambient temperature thanks to the temperature sensors on their front faces, and when it reaches the specified ambient temperature, it terminates the ambient heating. Blocking the front of thermostatic valves with items such as curtains and seats may cause loss of temperature measurement accuracy and the environment not to heat.
Why can't I close the valves completely? It is mandatory to use thermostatic valves in accordance with TS EN 215 standard in independent sections. It is not possible for the valve stage to be below 2 because it is locked in valves conforming to this standard. In case of using a valve that does not comply with this standard, it should be kept in at least 2 stages.
My radiator is not heating up / is half warmer? If the top of the radiator is hot and the bottom is cold; Your thermostatic radiator valve is working correctly. Since the room temperature approaches the room temperature at the level you have determined, the thermostatic radiator valve cuts the energy, so the upper part where the water enters the radiator is hot and the lower part is cold.
If your radiator does not heat at all, this indicates a problem with the installation. If there is air in the radiators, the radiator does not get hot, so the air in the radiators must be evacuated. You can intervene the malfunction by getting help from your site / apartment management or by calling a professional plumber.
Water is dripping from my radiator, what should I do? Contact the company that installs your thermostatic radiator valves, you can place a container to keep the water under the drip valve until authorized service is received, and if you have a mobile collector system, you can close the mini valves to the relevant radiator.
What are the savings suggestions for heating?
* Proper ventilation. (Ventilation by opening all windows for a short time and at the same time causes more fresh air to enter and less heat loss)
* No objects around the radiators. (Positioning curtains, seats, coffee tables etc. in front of the radiators will cause less heating as it will reduce the heat transfer.)
* Not placing items such as laundry on the radiators.
* Lowering the room temperature of unused environments at night or for more than 4 hours.
* Keeping comfort temperatures at different levels for each individual space. For example, leaving the thermostatic valves in the 2 position for unused or rarely used rooms provides significant savings.
* Keeping the curtains of sun-drenched windows open.
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